



Sharing a message from Morten and his management:

“We are deeply sorry that Morten could not perform in Paris yesterday, and to have to inform you that he cannot perform the show at Shepherd’s Bush Empire that was scheduled for May 16.

This is due to a throat infection that Morten has contracted, and could unfortunately not be helped.

Morten, the band and the team were very much looking forward to these shows, and they will both be rescheduled.

New dates will be announced as soon as possible, and tickets for May 14 and 16 will be valid.

If you do not wish to attend the rescheduled shows, please return your tickets to the point of purchase and you will get a refund.

We apologize for the inconvenience that we know this has caused and hope to see you again soon.”


投稿者: Tomoko

1985年7月4日、期末試験の直前で部活が休みだった日に、たまたまみたテレビ神奈川の「ミュートマ」で『Take On Me』を見てモートンに落ち、8月25日にアルバム発売というので誕生日プレゼントにしてもらって、モートンの声の多才さに感動。その後、タイトルを最後に言うタイプのラジオで「この声綺麗」だと思ったら「I've been losing you」で、これまたモートンだったことから、自分にとって最高の声だと確信。2010年の解散に伴い、翌年からノルウェー語を勉強しはじめ、現在はMCは聞き取れるようになりました。2022/05/20発売の『a-ha THE BOOK』で、モートンのソロについて書かせていただきました。
